Saturday, July 2, 2011

Molly Ann

What an amazing birth-day Molly had.  It happened very quickly - 6 hours total.  I was surrounded by an amazing support team of family and friends.  I was able to achieve my goal of a safe home delivery with a happy, healthy baby.

Contractions started around 7am as I was preparing for church.  The contractions continued and somewhat intensified as we attended church and went grocery shopping.  Yes! - I was checking out with contractions!  The nice check-out lady asked how much longer I had to go.  I told her 1 1/2 weeks, knowing this wasn't true, but hey - a little mystery is good.  I laid down to rest when we got home and still my contractions intensified.  Honestly, it never dawned on me to time them because we didn't have to go to the hospital.  We called our midwife and explained my steady contractions.  She advised to take a bath.

OK, now a bath can do one of two things during labor.  It can slow it down if done too early in labor or speed up an active labor.  Well, it surely sped up my labor!  We called our midwife back and told her to come.  Mike also called my support team, my mother and two friends - Chasity and Krista.

To no surprise my mom was the first to arrive.  I had just moved to our "birth suite" from the bedroom.  Our "birth suite" is our multi-purpose room that we made over into a guest room.  We have a full size bed, dresser, and chest of drawers.  We put in a table and chairs in the corner to hold our supplies and to allow the midwives a place to work.  There is plenty of space to walk around and honestly we could play a game of "Duck, Duck, Goose!" too!  We added a few lamps and a fan for our comfort.  Luckily - we were able to open the windows for more light.  Thank goodness we had our home visit four (4) days before she was born. We were able to prepare the room for delivery.  We had to "dress" the bed with linens and waterproof layers.  We arranged the towels and blankets for easy access.

In addition to a room change, I changed into my hospital gown I made for the delivery.  It was a good thing - I became very hot as my labor intensified.  I was alone for a while pacing around the room trying to find the best position to accommodate the contractions.  My mother arrived to find me standing and leaning over the dresser slightly.  I was starting to feel the urge to push.  I gave in slightly - to see if that helped make the contractions less intense.

Now at this point, I have yet to have a cervical check.  Period.  Midwives traditionally will not perform cervical checks until in active labor or until requested.  This offers many benefits:  No introduction of bacteria (again reducing the risk of infection), no irritation to mom (cervical checks are generally uncomfortable) and no speculation on labor.  Now many might say the last one isn't an advantage, but I see it differently.  Many moms come in discouraged because they haven't progressed since their last visit.  I wish it was that easy but honestly you shouldn't be progressing until labor is beginning.  However, it isn't uncommon to dilate 1-2 cm before active labor begins.  Not knowing if I was fully dilated or effaced was a little discerning.  I was unsure whether to push or not.

I went through a few more contractions where it became clear it was necessary to push.  I remain standing and try to sit down to rest a little.  I can't sit!  I go through another contraction and try to sit again.  Still can't sit!  Now I'm mad!  Mad - well, maybe more frustrated.  I wanted to rest and try another position and can't even sit.  So I stand for another contraction and finally! My water breaks!

I'm sure you are wondering why I couldn't sit.  Molly was OP (occiput posterior).  This is also referred to as "Sunny side up."  She is the opposite way of "normal" presentation.  This generally means lots of back labor and can lead to longer and difficult deliveries.  Baby's head is rubbing against the tailbone/sacrum and that generally doesn't feel good!  Now, there are a few thoughts for this presentation:  Placental placement (it's in the way for baby to turn), torsion of pelvis, and engagement of baby before turning.  Amazingly enough for me I didn't have any back labor pains and being unable to sit down was my only problem.

I was so relieved now that my water had broken because I knew my contractions were going to decrease in intensity.  Since I still wasn't able to sit, I decided to lean over a birth ball with my knees on the floor.  With each contraction I could feel her move down as I pushed.  It is an intense, overwhelming urge that takes over your body and mind because your body won't let you not push!  This is the best advantage to an unmedicated birth - I can gauge how strong I push so as not to tear.

Now, in case you've forgotten, It's just me and my mom.  It has been a bit and my midwife hasn't arrived.  Well, Krista arrives.  She rushes up to see if she can assist.  I continue to push when I feel a contraction and I feel her move down further.  I start feeling deep pressure at this point and I'm thinking, "Uh-Oh!" because I know she is going to arrive soon!  I reach down to feel Molly's head and I look up at my mom to tell her she is going to have to "catch" Molly.  In true fashion, she looks at me to say, "Ok, but you are going to have to get on the bed so I can catch her."  I say no!  (Now really, this is comical because we are arguing during my delivery)  I submit and move into a different position on the floor.  I sit with my legs in front and lean back slightly.  It was at this moment someone announced, "She's here!"  I'm assuming that meant my midwife.  I yell, "She'd better get up here now because she's crowning!"

Just as I push Molly's head out, the birth attendant, Gretchen, rushes in and grabs her gloves.  I hear Holly's voice, my midwife, on speaker phone guiding Gretchen because Molly's cord is present as well.  With one more push, Molly is here!  We throw Molly on my tummy and Gretchen checks her out.  Molly doesn't really cry or whimper too much, but is happy to be born.  She rests on my tummy with blankets all around.  I move up to the bed to be more comfortable.  It is then I notice my husband, daughter, and other best friend, Chasity, is present!  I had no idea they were there.  Holly arrives shortly after and my husband cuts the umbilical cord.

Gretchen and Holly care for Molly and I as I talk to my friends and family.  At one point, my mom snuggles up next to me and Annabelle is snuggled up on my other side.  Molly is resting in my arms.  I wish I had a picture of the three (3) generations of women in my family.  It is a beautiful sight!  And what a beautiful experience.  I was able to have my daughter in a safe, comfortable environment in which I could share that moment with my family and friends.  I was surrounded by loving and supportive people.  I'm not sure I would want it any other way.

I hope my story shows that having a home delivery can be simple and safe.  While homebirth isn't an option for everyone, it can be as safe as having a delivery in the hospital.  I loved being able take a shower and lay in my own bed that night.  The picture of Annie, Molly and myself was taken only 5 hours after delivery downstairs on our couch.  My husband fixed me dinner and I was able to tuck Annie into bed.  Simple and relaxing, I love my home, sweet home delivery.

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